The Application Security Leaders event has been specifically designed for professionals who need to test applications for security vulnerabilities.

After watching these presentations, you will learn about each vendor's testing functionality, including Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Software Composition Analysis (SCA).


Lior Kaplan

Open Source Officer @ Checkmarx

Ori Bendet

VP of Product Management @ Checkmarx

Alex Roichman

Vice President of Innovation @ Checkmarx

The Dark Side of GenAI - Security Aspects of Using Generative AI

Generative AI is changing the way we develop software. From ChatGPT to Copilot to Bard, GenAI is already a part of every developer's life.

However, there is a dark side to using GenAI when it comes to security. In this webinar, we will review common risks of using GenAI solutions and what you can do about them. Our experts — Ori Bendet, VP of Product Management, Alex Roichman, VP of Research & Innovation, and Lior Kaplan, Open-Source Officer — will discuss:

What you will learn

  • Your security exposure and risks based on your GenAI use
  • New types of supply chain attacks
  • Prompt-injection attacks and how to minimize your risk

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Ilya Dreytser

Head of Sales @ Quokka

Mitigating mobile risks in BYOD and Corporate environments

What you will learn

  • Mobile is different: How mobile risks are different from traditional desktop/laptop scenarios
  • What's lurking in your apps? How data exfiltration works in a mobile context
  • Zero day threats, how to detect the unknown!
  • Balancing privacy and security in BYOD: how to get the best of both worlds

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Rob van der Veer

AI, Security, & Privacy Senior Principal Expert @ Software Improvement Group

Jasper Geurts

Managing Director SIG Americas @ Software Improvement Group

The Current State of Software Quality and What it Means for You

What you will learn

  • Navigating new AI realities and addressing quality concerns
  • Revealing the challenges of low-code and no-code technologies
  • Bridging the gap between architecture and development teams
  • Uncovering ongoing risks from open-source software vulnerabilities

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Dan Hopkins

VP of Engineering @ StackHawk

Brian Erickson

Senior Product Manager @ StackHawk

Scaling Security Across a Herd of Applications

What you will learn

  • Utilizing YAML configuration files and environment variables to scale StackHawk across many applications efficiently
  • Extending the StackHawk scanner configuration to share common elements using overlays

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Jason Landers

Director of Systems Engineering @ TrustInSoft

Complementing Traditional Testing with Formal Methods for Safety, Security, and Quality Testing

May 30 @ 3:00pm BST (EST 10:00am)

With more and more software in embedded systems, and growing consumers expectations for software quality, testing has become an important and time-consuming activity.

As much effort as an organization can put in testing, this may still miss problems that would only occur in specific production conditions, or after a specific amount of time, out of reach of testing. Formal methods help overcome these limitations at efforts that are typically less than the equivalent testing.

What you will learn

  • The limitations of even the most comprehensive testing strategies: Boundary testing, fuzz testing, etc
  • How formal methods based static code analysis allows to alleviate those limitations
  • Review of some real-world practical cases for exhaustive static analysis

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Walter Capitani

Marketing & Product Management @ CodeSecure

State-of-the-art SBOM Vulnerability Monitoring

June 6th, 2024 @ 0900 AM EST

SBOMs have grown into a standardized way to represent the components found in all kinds of software from firmware to enterprise . In addition, SBOMs can be used to understand the vulnerabilities associated with these components. In this presentation we will explore the need for continuous monitoring of SBOM components for new vulnerabilities and exploits, and how this can reduce the exposure and time to remediation for affected software applications and devices.

What you will learn

  • A software security workflow that supports continuous risk assessment
  • How accurate SBOMs can be generated using binary SCA
  • How continuous vulnerability monitoring can reduce risks associated with open source software

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