Cybersecurity Conferences in Estonia, 2024 – 2025

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Written by Karina Kokina

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Estonia is a leader in innovative cyber security solutions and a key player in the development of its resilience to cyber-attack. The country’s advanced infrastructure and commitment to digital security, combined with its emerging population of cybersecurity professionals, make it an attractive destination for global cybersecurity firms and events.

Estonia has become a leader in digital transformation, and many of its initiatives have been implemented to promote various policies and programs that focus on strengthening its cybersecurity environment. For example, the Estonian Information System Authority (RIA) launched the Risk Assessment of Digital Identity in 2019, which is a comprehensive framework for evaluating and managing digital identity risks. The framework is also supported by the Cyber Security Strategy for Estonia, which was developed by the Ministry of Defence.

In addition to its government efforts, Estonia also has a robust private sector cyber security scene. One notable entity in this area is the Estonian Centre of Cyber Security (ESCERT), which is an independent research centre that provides a wide range of solutions for cybersecurity-related issues. It is also a trusted partner of the Estonian government, businesses, and global firms.

Estonia’s robust cyber security framework, combined with its commitment to digital transformation, has resulted in a vibrant cyber security events and conferences scene. International cyber security events in Estonia include the Estonian IT Security Conference (EITSEC), the Digital Knowledge Week (DKW), and the Cyber Security Day. These events are typically organized by private organizations, research centres, and universities and feature presentations, workshops, and networking events.