ISACA (previously known as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) is a global nonprofit organization that serves the cybersecurity and IT assurance, governance, and risk management communities, as well as the broader business sector. ISACA sponsors events, conferences, and other seminars throughout the year to assist members in developing their skills and competencies.

The ISACA Security & Risk Leadership Summit is the organization’s premier global event, bringing together industry leaders from around the world to debate the ever-changing dangers posed by cyber vulnerabilities. Every year, the group arranges this event in various locations throughout the world, with this year’s event taking place from June 7 to 9 at the Carlton Hotel in San Jose, California. Annelise Michaelson (Google’s Head of Security and Privacy), Polly Arnold (Microsoft’s Chief Information Security Officer), and Brett Hardin (Adobe’s Director of Security) are among the keynote speakers.

ISACA holds educational events regularly that cover topics relevant to their areas of expertise. They recently held the “Securing the Future of AI 2020” lecture in London, which examined AI, Machine Learning, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the context of security and risk. Among the speakers were Adrienne Fuller (CISO, Aviva), Richard Moulds (VP of Product Policy and Compliance, TrustElevate), and Joe De Beer (Sales Engineering, Netskope).

The ISACA “Data Culture Summit 2020” event is ideal for enterprises to obtain a better grasp of the data-driven landscape to manage risk and elevation. The event also assists firms in determining how to employ both traditional and cutting-edge technology to enhance processes and safeguard data. This year’s conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland, in May. Michael Sowers (CEO of ThinCX and former CIO of Princeton University) will be the keynote speaker.

The ISACA “CISO Forum” is an event for Chief Information Security Officers to explore how to address the security industry’s ever-increasing issues. Every year, the conference is held in a different location throughout the world, and the program content is adjusted to area concerns. This year’s forum will be held in November in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and will feature renowned keynote speakers such as Willem Schippers (Chairman of the Dutch Government Security Forum’s steering committee) and Bram de Zwart (CEO of Cytelligence).

Those interested in staying on the bleeding edge of cybersecurity and IT assurance can attend ISACA’s next “Cybersecurity Conference 2020.” The conference, which will provide thorough instruction on the most recent cyber risks, will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, from October 4th to 6th. Adam Ballin (IBM Cybersecurity Research Engineer), Davina Pruitt-Mentle (Intel Security’s Global Information Security Director), and Rudy Galindo (Check Point Public Cloud Security Principal) are among the keynote speakers.

Finally, ISACA is one of the world’s most prominent nonprofits dedicated to assisting enterprises in managing risk and elevation in the area of cybersecurity. Throughout the year, they hold a variety of conferences, seminars, and events in various locations, allowing members and professionals to share ideas and learn from the top brains in the cybersecurity business.

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