Jessica Barker

Jessica’s Background

Although Jessica Barker is a name that may not be well-known to the general public, it is one that you should keep in mind if you are concerned about the state of cybersecurity.

Jessica Barker has established herself as a highly sought-after specialist in the fields of cyber threats, human behavior, and social engineering.

She has a solid education in psychology and a wide range of experiences working in the field of cybersecurity.

Throughout her journey toward becoming a well-known cybersecurity expert, Barker’s concern with psychology and how it influences technology has been a motivating force.

Both a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Nottingham and a Master of Arts in Forensic and Criminal Psychology from the University of Leicester are among her notable academic accomplishments.

She can tackle cybersecurity from a different perspective, concentrating on the human side rather than just the technical aspect, as a result of the unique blend of education that she has received.

Social Engineering

One of the subjects that Barker has focused a lot of his attention on over his career is social engineering.

This refers to the practice of coercing individuals into exposing confidential information or committing acts that could put their safety at risk. Barker has made it her mission to educate individuals and organizations on how to spot and fight against social engineering assaults. This strategy is frequently utilized by cybercriminals to obtain access to networks, and Barker has made it her mission to teach people about it.

Because of Barker’s skill in cybersecurity, she has been invited to speak at a variety of high-profile events all over the world. This is because her expertise has not gone unnoticed.

(Some Of The) Cyber Events Jessica Has Spoken At

Her thoughts on the human aspect of cybersecurity and the necessity of taking a holistic approach to protecting ourselves and our data have been shared at TEDx events, including TEDxLondon and TEDxManchester, where she has given presentations.

A number of the most important information security conferences, including:

Barker has authored several articles and books on the subject of cybersecurity, including “Confidence on Security: The Psychology of Human Error” and her most recent book, “Applied Cybersecurity: The Importance of Human Factors.”

In addition to her speaking engagements, Barker has also given presentations on the subject.

Her extensive knowledge of the human aspect of cybersecurity and how it can be both a strength and a weakness in our security systems is demonstrated by these works.

Why Listen To Jessica?

In addition to her strong credentials and years of expertise, she further contributes a new point of view to the discussion around cybersecurity.

Because she has a degree in psychology, she can assess human behavior and cyber risks in a way that traditional experts could miss. Additionally, she presents her speeches in a manner that is both lively and entertaining, which makes even the most difficult subjects more understandable and approachable to an audience that is not technically oriented.

Bottom line, if you are especially interested in social engineering then we’d highly recommend you follow Jessica Baker.

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