ISSA-LA Security Summit | Interview with Richard Greenberg

ISSA-LA’s is one of the premier sources of information security in Los Angeles. ISSA (Information Systems Security Association International) is a leading global membership body for cybersecurity professionals that is dedicated to progressing individual growth, managing technology risk, and protecting critical information and infrastructure.

As a non-profit, ISSA, at its’ core provides educational forums, publications, and peer interaction opportunities: all designed to enhance the knowledge and skill of its’ members, and that is precisely what ISSA-LA excels at.

We’re big fans of any membership body that helps progress InfoSec Professionals careers, and I was lucky to catch up with Richard Greenberg, the organizer of ISSA-LA Security Summit to ask him a bunch of questions regarding the chapter he manages in LA, California.

What’s The “Best Thing” About ISSA-LA?

All on our talks are educational and are specifically not vendor pitches. We have strict guidelines for speakers and the audience can walk away with new knowledge and understanding of the importance of relevant issues.

How Would You Like To See Your Event(s) Evolve?

We already have the best speakers in the country, and we have people traveling from around the country to attend. We would like to see even more International audiences come to visit us on the beach.

What Do You Look For In Speakers And Their Presentations?

We specifically like to have a good mix of speakers who I have personally seen before and been impressed with their breath and knowledge of information security as well as new upcoming speakers who have fascinating new research for topics to discuss.

Anything Else You’d Like To Share?

It’s the little things that can make or break the quality of a conference. Having a team dedicated upfront for planning, as well as on the ground during the event is crucial. Attendees need to understand everything about the event and all issues need to be addressed quickly and hopefully without notice.

What’s Your Prediction for 2021 In A Post-COVID-19 World? Will Virtual Events Take Over Or Will We See A Return To The “Traditional Physical Events” Format?

Clearly everyone is just itching to get back to some in-person social interactions. There is nothing like face-to-face networking and celebrating life and our field.

However, we must face the reality that virtual events are here to stay. There will be three types of events: virtual, in-person, and hybrid, allowing all types of people with all types of restrictions to attend.

In Summary

Get involved!

If you’re a Cybersecurity Professional living and working in California then clearly you need to become a member of ISSA-LA. They have a ton of events lined up throughout the year, so go ahead and hit them up!

I’d like to thank Richard for having taken the time to answer my questions and we wish the ISSA-LA chapter the best of luck for [year] and beyond.

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