Having spent many years working on the topic of cybersecurity, Dan Lohrmann is widely recognized as an expert in the field.
As a result of his extensive coverage of a wide variety of cybersecurity-related topics and his participation in several events, he has established himself as an important voice in the field.
High-Level Experience
It is because of Dan Lohrmann’s vast career in the subject of cybersecurity that he possesses competence in this area. He has served in several high-level roles within the government, including Chief Information Security Officer for the State of Michigan and Chief Technology Officer for the State of Michigan, among others.
In addition to that, he has worked as a consultant in the field of cybersecurity and has collaborated on the writing of the book “Virtual Integrity: Faithfully Navigating the Brave New Web.” Having worked in the field of cybersecurity for more than 25 years, Dan Lohrmann is a seasoned expert who possesses a wealth of information that he is willing to offer.
Cyber Resilience
In the course of his work, Dan Lohrmann has conducted substantial research on several topics, including cyber resilience.
He is aware that no person or organization is safe from the dangers posed by cyberattacks, and that it is essential to have a predetermined strategy in place to recover from such an assault.
Cyber Events That Dan Lohrmann Has Spoken At
As a result of Lohrmann’s extensive knowledge and competence in this field, he has become a highly sought-after speaker at events like as the RSA Conference and the Global Resilience Summit.
Another subject that Dan Lohrmann is quite enthusiastic about is the protection of vital infrastructure, which includes water, energy, and transportation systems.
Among the gatherings at which he has delivered speeches are the International Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research and the Global Public-Private Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Protection.
His thoughts on this extremely important subject are quite significant, particularly in this day and age of digital technology, when the majority of essential infrastructure is connected to the internet.
As an additional point of interest, Dan Lohrmann is a staunch supporter of cybersecurity education and awareness. He has had the opportunity to speak at a variety of events, including the Cyber Summit for Women and the Global Privacy Summit hosted by the International Association of Privacy Professionals.
In summary:
- RSA Conference
- Global Resilience Summit.
- International Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research
- Global Public-Private Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Cyber Summit for Women
- Global Privacy Summit
His engaging and informative speeches are a clear indication of Lohrmann’s dedication to empowering individuals and companies to protect themselves against cyber dangers and educating them about the need to do so.
Besides delivering presentations at events, Dan Lohrmann has also written a great deal of content, including articles and blog entries, that pertains to the field of cybersecurity. In addition to being published in publications such as Forbes and USA Today, he is a regular contributor to the magazine Government Technology.
Anyone interested in remaining informed and protected in the ever-evolving area of cybersecurity should give Dan Lohrmann a listen. He is an individual who is worth listening to.