Cybersecurity Conferences in Denmark, 2024 – 2025

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Written by Jasmin
Application Security Leaders

RECOMMENDED | Application Security Leaders | May 31st, 2024

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Denmark is a highly connected, technologically progressive country that has made cyber and IT security a priority in recent years. With a commitment to the latest advancements in data protection, information security, and cybersecurity, Danish organisations strive to prevent cyber threats and ensure the safety of their citizens and businesses.

When it comes to cybersecurity in Denmark, there are several events and conferences held throughout the year. Each of these events is designed to bring together and foster collaboration in the cybersecurity community. Moreover, they also provide an opportunity to showcase the latest technological solutions to the challenges of data privacy, cyber security, and cloud computing.

The Copenhagen Cybersecurity Forum is an annual event that takes place in October of each year and focuses on digital defence, cyber defence strategies, privacy, and cybersecurity resilience. It also looks at new trends in cybercrime and the associated responses, as well as the latest trends in regulation around the world. The Forum provides keynote presentations, panel discussions, debates, and networking opportunities for participants.

CyberCamp Copenhagen is another annual conference covering IT security, data privacy, computer forensics, and cyber/IT security. The conference is hosted by the Danish cyber security organization Secura and is attended by government representatives, security experts, and IT professionals. The event is also designed for professionals looking to obtain knowledge about IT security from lectures, round-table discussions, and networking opportunities.

Copenhagen Cyber Security Week is an annual week-long event taking place in Copenhagen. This event calls attention to various aspects of IT security legislation, advances in digital defence, the development of cyber security strategies, and the latest industry trends. Its goal is to foster collaboration between IT security experts from public and private organisations, as well as raise awareness about the importance of IT security.

Default Event Image11th International Conference on Computer Networks & Communications (CCNET 2024)

Date: 27/01/2024
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

The 11th International Conference on Computer Networks & Communications (CCNET 2024) was a highly informative and successful event for the global community of computer networks and communications. The conference offered a platform for sharing valuable insights and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of wired and wireless networks. Attendees were invited to present original research papers on a wide range of topics such as network protocols, mobile networks, and network security. Overall, the conference proved to be an excellent opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge and network with like-minded individuals.

Default Event ImageDevOpsDays: Aarhus 2024

Date: 29/01/2025
Location: Aarhus, Denmark

The cybersecurity conference, DevOpsDays, emphasizes collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams while incorporating security as an essential element. With a focus on automation and continuous delivery, the conference aims to address security vulnerabilities at every step of the DevOps process. Attendees can engage in various activities, including talks, workshops, and panels, to learn about the latest threats and trends, integrate security into their workflow, and network with other professionals. As a cybersecurity professional, attending DevOpsDays can provide valuable opportunities to stay updated, learn new tools and techniques, and gain inspiration for integrating security into the DevOps process.

Default Event ImageIT Contracts 2024

Date: 30/01/2024
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

The cybersecurity conference features two tracks covering various topics such as IT contract law, regulatory requirements, and project management. The event aims to provide an overview and status of legal tasks and challenges in the field. It also offers a separate track for public institutions, with a focus on relevant topics like IT contract law in a procurement context. The conference aims to educate participants on the latest developments in IT contracts, regulatory requirements, and the shift towards standardized IT services and the cloud. Attendees can expect to expand their professional network and stay updated on the latest trends.

Default Event ImageNordic Cyber Summit 2024

Date: 17/09/2024
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Don't miss out on the 6th edition of the Nordic Cyber Summit in Copenhagen this September. With a focus on recent trends and threats in the region, this exclusive event features expert speakers who will provide valuable insight and opinions. Learn how to protect yourself from cyber threats and stay resilient amidst the changing global landscape. With a threefold increase in cyber incidents, the Summit aims to address this issue and help attendees stay ahead of the game. Don't miss this in-depth look at Nordic Security in an Age of Global Upheaval.

Default Event ImageThe 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security (SciSec 2024)

Date: 14/08/2024
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

The 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security (SciSec 2024) will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from August 14-16, 2024. Organized by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), this forum has been running since 2018 with the goal of promoting research collaborations and deeper understanding of the emerging Science of Cyber Security. The conference invites submissions for high-quality research papers that take a holistic approach to cyber security. Accepted papers will be published in Springer's LNCS series and a Best Paper and Best Student Paper will be awarded. There will also be a poster session, with accepted posters having the opportunity to submit full papers to the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics. Authors of posters must register to attend the conference. SciSec 2024 seeks to further the advancement of the Science of Cyber Security through original and justifiable research.

Default Event ImageThe Nordic Blockchain Conference 2024

Date: 19/06/2024
Location: Denmark, Denmark

The Nordic Blockchain Association recently held a cybersecurity conference that focused on the potential for cryptocurrency to replace traditional centralized systems. The conference, which was attended by a diverse group of participants including hackers, professionals, and researchers, highlighted the increasing interest in this technology, especially in Nordic countries where trust in the establishment is higher. Coincidentally, the conference fell on the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web being made public by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). As someone who never imagined studying the Nordic blockchain industry, the speaker credits COVID for bringing them to Scandinavia. In a career break due to the language barrier, the speaker joined the Nordic Blockchain Association as a volunteer and shares their thoughts on the potential of this technology in the region.