Cybersecurity Conferences in Egypt, 2024 – 2025

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Written by Jasmin
Application Security Leaders

RECOMMENDED | Application Security Leaders | May 31st, 2024

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Cybersecurity in Egypt is a growing priority for both businesses and government, as technology continues to become more central to everyday life. In recent years, cybercrime has become an increasing problem in the country, with organizations suffering from major data breaches, theft of confidential information, and digital vandalism. To protect the digital infrastructure of Egypt, proactive steps have been taken to develop and improve the security landscape.

The Global Cyberspace Security and Summit has emerged as one of the leading events in Egypt for cybersecurity professionals. This annual event offers industry experts, government representatives, and other stakeholders an opportunity to share the latest information and trends on cybersecurity threats in the country, as well as best practices for defense and mitigation.

Egypt is home to several prominent cyber-related organizations, such as Egypt’s Cyber Security Council (ECSC). The council is tasked with raising awareness, developing strategies, and executing projects and activities that will improve the security posture of the nation. The World Bank has been instrumental in helping to develop the council, which includes members from both the public and private sectors.

Cybersecurity education and training are also given a high priority in Egypt. Several universities, including the Arab Academy for Science & Technology, offer degree programs focusing on cybersecurity and related topics. Additionally, specialized courses, workshops, and cybersecurity conferences are held throughout the year in major cities, covering topics such as digital forensics, data security, and IT governance.

To further strengthen its cyber-defense posture, Egypt’s government launched a National Cybersecurity Strategy in 2020. This plan details several objectives, such as establishing a secure and resilient cyber environment, improving the capabilities of the country’s cyber security professionals, and promoting cooperation among public, private, and international stakeholders.

Default Event ImageDevOpsDays: Cairo 2024

Location: Cairo, Egypt

DevOpsDays is a leading conference for collaboration and communication between developers and operations teams. With the increasing importance of security in today's digital world, DevOpsDays has incorporated cybersecurity sessions, workshops, and meetups into its events. The conference emphasizes the significance of integrating security into the DevOps process, from code writing to deployment and monitoring. Attendees can participate in security talks, workshops, panels, and discussions to stay informed on the latest threats and trends, learn new tools and techniques, and network with other professionals. Overall, attending DevOpsDays is a valuable opportunity for cybersecurity professionals to stay updated, learn and share best practices, and find innovative ways to enhance security in the DevOps workflow.

Default Event ImageIDC CISO Roundtable: Egypt 2024

Date: 23/09/2024
Location: Cairo, Egypt

The IDC Security Roadshow is a must-attend event for CISOs facing the challenges of the modern cybersecurity landscape. With threats from state-sponsored attacks, geopolitical turmoil, and a shortage of security skills, CISOs must balance risks while staying up-to-date with new technology. This year's conference will feature discussions on topics such as cloud migration, automation, and digital sovereignty. Participants can expect to gain valuable insights from top cybersecurity experts and learn essential strategies to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of security. Don't miss this opportunity to network with industry leaders and explore the latest in security innovation.