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Croatia is becoming increasingly focused on improving its cybersecurity and IT security practices. Croatia is seeing an increased focus on cyber education and research in the public, private, and educational sectors. The challenge for Cybersecurity is that Croatia is vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals due to a lack of resources and capacity.

The Croatian government is committed to boosting IT security. In 2016, the government passed the Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection Law, which established the National Cyber Security Protection System and Cyber Security Center. The government is also working to establish national standards and regulations for IT security.

In response to the increasing need for cybersecurity, Croatia has hosted several cyber conferences and events to discuss and promote cybersecurity topics. The annual Croatian Security Conference (CroSec) is held in Zagreb and focuses on information security. The Croatian Information Security Conference also takes place in Zagreb and focuses on IT security topics. Additionally, the Croatia Information Security Summit (CROSTIS) takes place in Zagreb and covers topics related to IT and cyber security.

The Croatian government is taking steps to ensure the security of the country's digital infrastructure. The Ministry of Science and Education launched the National Cyber Security Initiative, which provides resources to educate the public and teach cybersecurity best practices. Additionally, the government has established several cybersecurity research centers and programs focused on researching and developing new IT security strategies.

Kosovo is a growing leader in cybersecurity with a population extremely passionate about tech and computer security. Cybersecurity in Kosovo involves protecting individuals, businesses, and government bodies from being adversely impacted by cyber-criminal activities. Cybersecurity has become an increasingly important topic in the country as the digital landscape is continuously becoming more complex.

In Kosovo, the Institute of Cybersecurity and Information Protection (ISSH) was established in 2019 as the national certification body for Information and Cyber Security Agencies in the country. The organization focuses on promoting best practices, providing IT security assessments, and providing support to the government and organizations to strengthen their cyber-environment.

Cybersecurity Conferences in Kosovo are organized with the help of the ISSH and the Information Security Agency to bring together cyber professionals, businesses, and government bodies in the country. These events provide an opportunity for the sharing of best practices, ideas, and strategies in the field of cyber safety and security. During these conferences, training sessions, seminars, and lectures are also held to spread awareness about cyber risks and threats in the region.

Organizations in Kosovo can participate in Cyber Events such as competitions, hackathons, and seminars organized by the Information Security Agency. These events provide an opportunity for organizations to increase their knowledge and develop solutions to cyber-related challenges in the region.

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