Cybersecurity Conferences in Malta, 2024 – 2025

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Written by Jasmin
Application Security Leaders

RECOMMENDED | Application Security Leaders | May 31st, 2024

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Malta is quickly gaining recognition as a leader in cybersecurity and IT security. This small island country in the Mediterranean has a bustling tech industry that is rapidly expanding and increasing its cyber protection, making it one of the most secure destinations for data protection in the world.

Malta is a forward-thinking country when it comes to digital security, particularly in the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrency, which are increasingly seen as significant parts of Maltese business. The government of Malta works to promote cyber resilience and actively engages in cybersecurity initiatives such as the government’s National Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2023. This strategy works to ensure the safety of Maltese citizens and businesses online and ensure their information is secure.

Several Cybersecurity Conferences and Cyber Events in Malta take place throughout the year, providing an excellent platform for networking among industry professionals, security experts, and the general public. The International Cyber Conference (ICC) is one of the most popular events, drawing attendees from around the world to their annual gathering in Malta. Additionally, there are various small cybersecurity meetups and seminars which take place regularly throughout the year.

The IT Security sector in Malta is highly developed and advanced. The country has a wide range of security services such as managed security services, security platforms, virus scanning, and secure information sharing services. In addition, Malta has several cyber security institutes and certification authorities which provide internationally-recognized qualifications to students and professionals.

Malta has become an important hub for cryptocurrencies, particularly since launching the Virtual Financial Assets (VFA) framework in 2018. It has also adopted the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Act, which defines the codes of practice that should be followed by DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) service providers. These laws have enabled technological advancements to continue unimpeded, allowing Malta to maintain its commitment to secure its digital infrastructure.

Default Event ImageAIBC Europe 2024

Date: 11/11/2024
Location: Valletta, Malta

The European continent, famed for its forward-thinking culture and desire for technical innovation, recently hosted the AIBC Europe conference in Malta. With its rich history and proactive steps for technological growth, Europe aspires to be a worldwide tech sector leader. Malta has established itself as an emerging technology pioneer, having been one of the first jurisdictions to regulate cryptocurrencies and DLT. The conference brought together global tech executives, regulators, investors, and entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, debate industry trends, and form partnerships. AIBC Europe presented delegates the opportunities to impact the industry's future through panel discussions, keynote speeches, workshops, and networking events. With a common vision of a tech-friendly future, AIBC Europe cemented Malta's position as a major actor in the future of technology.