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RECOMMENDED | ICS/SCADA Cybersecurity Symposium | June 3 - 4, 2025

Best Cybersecurity Events in Qatar

These are some of the more notable cyber events taking place in Qatar.

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  • Qatar Cyber Security Conference, Doha
  • Qatar IT Security Summit, Doha
  • Qatar Information Security Conference, Doha
  • BSides Doha, Doha
  • Qatar National Cybersecurity Forum, Doha
  • ISACA Qatar Chapter Events, Doha
  • Cyber Defense Summit Qatar, Doha
  • Gulf Information Security Expo & Conference (GISEC), Doha
  • Doha Cyber Awareness Week, Doha
  • Middle East Cyber Security Summit, Doha

Qatar is an Arab nation located in the Persian Gulf with a rapidly growing economy. It has been the focus of numerous cybersecurity conferences and events as it has continued to expand its use of technology and digital infrastructure. As Qatar continues to position itself as a leader in the MENA region, cyber threats have become increasingly problematic. Thus, cybersecurity has become a priority for the authorities in Qatar.

Qatari security forces have invested significantly in educational programs and general awareness campaigns to increase public understanding of cyber threats and how to protect against them. A range of cyber awareness apps have been developed to help users identify malicious websites, check for malicious content, and promote safe digital practices.

Cybersecurity events in Qatar are typically government-led or industry-sponsored and focus on regional and global trends in cybersecurity. These events serve as a platform for the exchange of knowledge, information, and practices related to the management of cybersecurity risk. Such conferences have featured speakers from a range of industries, who share their experiences in handling global cybersecurity threats. The Qatar Information Security Forum, held every two years, is one of the biggest and most comprehensive cybersecurity events in Qatar.

Share Qatar, an initiative organized by Qatar’s National Cyber Security Research and Development Center is a platform for sharing best practices related to cybersecurity and IT Security. This private sector-focused event provides numerous opportunities for participants to learn more about cybersecurity and IT Security in Qatar, such as technical training sessions, strategy development, and information sharing.

To address cyber threats in Qatar, the government has taken steps to heighten security measures and strengthen regulations. For example, the Qatar Cyber Security Law was passed in August 2019 to standardize national cyber security approaches and strengthen existing operational systems. It will also help Qatar comply with the standards issued by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as well as regional and international cyber security norms.

Overall, Qatar’s growing commitment to cybersecurity has made it an attractive destination for conferences and events focused on cybersecurity, IT Security, and information security. Qatar is making strong progress in its efforts to develop an advanced cybersecurity framework that meets the needs and safety of the nation’s digital infrastructure.

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