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Best Cybersecurity Events in Serbia

These are some of the more notable cyber events taking place in Serbia.

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  • Serbia Cybersecurity Conference, Belgrade
  • BSides Belgrade, Belgrade
  • Belgrade Information Security Conference, Belgrade
  • Serbian Cyber Forum, Novi Sad
  • ISACA Serbia Chapter Events, Belgrade
  • CyberSec Serbia, Belgrade
  • Digital Security Conference Serbia, Niš
  • Belgrade Cybersecurity Week, Belgrade
  • Serbia National Cybersecurity Day, Belgrade
  • CyberTech Balkans, Novi Sad

In Serbia, the government has made significant efforts to improve the security of its digital infrastructure, including the establishment of the National Cyber Security Agency. The agency works to educate the public about cybersecurity threats, operations, and practices while also providing technical advice and support to organizations in the fight against cybercrime.

Serbia’s location on the Balkan Peninsula makes it a popular destination for international events, including those related to cybersecurity. There are several cybersecurity conferences held both locally and internationally in the country. Popular conferences include the ‘Serbian Security Conference’, ‘Cyber Security Summit’, ‘Cyber Crime 2020’, and ‘SecurityTech 2020’, among others.

In addition to conferences, there are several other cyber events held throughout the year in Serbia. These events are attended by IT security experts, government officials, and members of the public. Common events include ’webinars’, ‘hackathons’, ‘open forums’, and workshops. These events help to promote the discussion surrounding current trends in IT security and how to best protect networks from potential threats.

Serbia is also home to several organizations and providers of cybersecurity-related products, services, and training courses. These organizations include Falcon Cyber Security Solutions, Avast, Dragon Research Lab, and CompSec., among others.

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