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Specific to cyber events in the West Coast & US West Region!

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Nevada is a state in the United States that is known for its leading gaming and tourism industry. As such, the cybersecurity of this region has assumed special importance, and Nevada is home to a wide range of institutions, agencies, and organizations that are dedicated to keeping the state's cyber infrastructure safe and secure.

Nevada's Office of Cyber Defense (NOCD) leads the state's efforts toward cybersecurity, providing information and resources to promote safe and secure cyber practices within the state. The NOCD also provides support in the event of a cybersecurity incident and is tasked with educating individuals, organizations, and institutions on the importance of cyber safety.

In addition to the NOCD, Nevada is also home to a strong network of information security professionals, many of whom have industry certifications from organizations such as CompTIA and ISACA.

These professionals regularly participate in cyber events and conferences, such as Nevada Infosec Day and the Cybersecurity Summit, that focus on the latest developments in cybersecurity. Nevada Infosec Day introduces attendees to the newest technologies and security approaches, while the Cybersecurity Summit is tailored to the unique needs of Nevada's government and private industry.

Due to the prevalence of cyber threats in Nevada, organizations within the state have implemented a range of preventive measures to ensure the safety of their networks. These include the use of firewalls, antivirus software, encryption technologies, and password-protection tools. In addition, organizations may also use network segmentation and patch management techniques to increase the security of their systems.

Nevada has made significant strides in improving the security of its cyber infrastructure. Through the support of the NOCD, cybersecurity events and conferences, and the diligence of information security professionals, the State of Nevada is working towards a safer and more secure digital environment.

03 August 2024

United States

Ringzer0: In-Person Training 2024

Ringzer0 provides advanced, hands-on training designed for cybersecurity professionals. Our instructors are top industry experts who offer technical deep dives into a range of core issues, including vulnerability research, exploitation, malware analysis, red teaming, and practical attacks. Each class is laser-focused on a specific topic, to pack in as much learning, hands-on experience, and instructor face time as possible. Ringzer0 gets students past the learning curve!

03 August 2024

United States

Black Hat USA 2024

Black Hat USA 2024 isn't your typical cybersecurity conference. It's a neon-lit playground of the mind, a digital demystifying ground, and a high-wire act of balancing the ethical with the exhilaratingly subversive. Here, the black hats and the white hats don't just coexist, they share their secrets, challenge each other's perspectives, and push the boundaries of what's possible in the ever-shifting digital landscape. Imagine a conference hall pulsing with the energy of a thousand hackers brainstorming, a stage bathed in the spotlight of groundbreaking research and mind-bending exploits. Black Hat is a masterclass in the unexpected, where industry veterans drop knowledge bombs and fresh-faced minds unveil the next paradigm shift. But it's not all theory. Black Hat is a choose-your-own-adventure of hands-on workshops. Want to build your hacking tools? Craft an unbreakable encryption? Learn to think like a social engineer and manipulate the human mind. Black Hat's got your back (and your brain). And then there's the community. Black Hat's not a faceless conference machine. It's a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of shared passion, late-night discussions, and the camaraderie of those who understand the delicate dance of defending the digital world. It's a place where you can be yourself, ask the "dumb" questions, and leave feeling like you're part of something bigger than yourself. So, whether you're a seasoned CISO hardened by battle or a wide-eyed student with a laptop and a dream, Black Hat USA 2024 is your invitation to the inner sanctum of the digital underground. It's a chance to learn, challenge, and emerge with a renewed perspective on the ever-evolving threat landscape. Come, join the dark side (it's got cookies), and let's illuminate the future of cybersecurity, together.

05 August 2024

United States

BRHueCon 2024

It was during some conversations in a Whatsapp group of Brazilians who get together every year to go to Las Vegas to participate in a marathon of events between BlackHat, BSidesLV, and Defcon that in August 2023, we realized that we were with the largest delegation of speakers in events, more than 10 in total, showing all our intellectual capital and our ability to do F**A research like any other foreigner. We (Anchises, Fernando Amatte, and Thiago Bordini) thought why not hold a mini Brazilian conference in Las Vegas, this way we can celebrate this achievement together, that's how the idea of ​​BRHueCon came about, a relaxed conference between Brazilians and anyone who wants to participate, with a lot of exchange of knowledge, networking, food, drink and of course lots of laughs. Join us in this edition, it's free. And rest assured, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

05 August 2024

United States

The Diana Initiative

05 August 2024

United States

The Diana Initiative

A diversity-driven conference committed to helping all underrepresented people in Information Security. To create a more inclusive industry. Back for the 8th year,​ The Diana Initiative​ is hosting a one-day diversity-driven conference with the goal to create a more inclusive information security industry. The 2024 event will take place August 5, 2024 In-Person at The Westin Las Vegas Hotel & Spa. Be aware we are a mask required event. While our website will contain the most up to date information, highlights of this year’s conference include: Two speaker tracks Engaging hands on events and challenges Career village Badge soldering and maker village Registration opens at 7 AM Talks begin at 9 AM

06 August 2024

United States

BSides Las Vegas

BSides Las Vegas is a nonprofit organization formed to stimulate the Information Security industry and community by providing an annual, two-day conference for security practitioners and those interested in entering or looking to enter the field.

06 August 2024

United States

Skytalks 2024

Skytalks is a ‘sub-conference’ that gives a unique platform for researchers to share their research, for angry hackers to rant about the issues of their industry, and for curious souls to probe interesting issues, all WITHOUT the watchful eye of the rest of the world. With a strict and well-enforced “no recording” and “no photography” policy, research that is underway or critical of a vendor can be aired to your peers. You are presenting to other people in the computer underground, and very few topics are taboo. Esoterica is as welcome as 0-day here. In the past we were at DEF CON, this year we will be at BSidesLV August 6-7, 2024 This isn’t a soapbox to say and trash whoever or whatever you want. We welcome and encourage handles – we want your material to stand on its own, not what company’s logo is on your slide deck. We encourage the audience to ask questions and challenge what does not seem to be right. Speakers can and will be held accountable for their material by their peers. We’re looking for talks that are about cutting edge material, either in-progress or ready to be disclosed… possibly at the risk of offending a company. Talks that challenge industry or societal norms are great. Calling out those who plague our industry and community, welcome! Talks that are outside the realm of a PG rating, can and have found a home here (for example, Teledildonics, 4chan email). First-time speakers are always welcome. We have had the privilege and honor of providing the first presentation stage for some of greatest names in our community. You are invited to be among that group.

07 August 2024

United States

SquadCon 2024

SquadCon is a two-day conference that seeks to bring gender-diverse perspectives on the contributions, experiences, and issues facing the industry. Hackers who are new or from underrepresented communities may not often feel comfortable in existing conferences. SquadCon is a forum for conversations about topics that impact girls, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals, including mental health and all the factors that shape the experiences of marginalized groups in the industry. SquadCon is a cybersecurity conference that will include talks, labs, workshops, discussions, CTFs, and panels to move toward our mission of improving diversity in ethical hacking. SquadCon is an independent conference event in Las Vegas during Hacker Summer Camp scheduled for August 7-8th with a kickoff event on August 6th. It is run by the makers of Girls Hack Village (BlackGirlsHack and BGH Foundation) and exists to help foster diversity and inclusion in cybersecurity.

08 August 2024

United States

Adversary Village @ DEF CON 2024

Adversary Village™ is a community initiative that purely focuses on Adversary simulation, adversary emulation, threat/APT/ransomware emulation, breach and attack simulation, threat actors, adversary groups, supply chain security, adversary tactics, life, adversary philosophy, urban survival skills, and purple teaming. We have hosted the first edition of Adversary Village, as part of DEF CON Villages virtually at DEF CON 29 hacking and cyber security conference, in Las Vegas. At a diverse range of conferences, we coordinate Villages, CTF competitions, Hands-on activities, and Workshops.

08 August 2024

United States

DEF CON 2024

DEF CON is an annual cybersecurity conference that brings together a diverse community of hackers, security professionals, and technology enthusiasts. Founded in 1993, DEF CON has evolved into a globally renowned event where attendees converge to explore the cutting edge of cybersecurity, hacking, and information technology. The conference provides a platform for experts and enthusiasts alike to share knowledge, discuss emerging threats, and showcase innovative solutions. DEF CON features a wide range of presentations, workshops, and interactive activities covering various aspects of cybersecurity, from vulnerability analysis and penetration testing to privacy concerns and the latest advancements in digital security. Attendees have the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, participate in hands-on challenges, and gain insights into the evolving landscape of cybersecurity. One of DEF CON's defining characteristics is its emphasis on the hacker mindset and the ethical exploration of technology. The conference fosters an open and inclusive environment, encouraging attendees to challenge traditional notions, push boundaries, and collaborate on solutions to address the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape. DEF CON's diverse lineup includes talks on offensive and defensive security strategies, cryptography, hardware hacking, social engineering, and the intersection of technology with society. The conference also hosts competitive events such as Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions, where participants showcase their skills in solving complex security challenges. Overall, DEF CON serves as a nexus for the global cybersecurity community, offering a unique blend of education, networking, and hands-on experiences. It plays a crucial role in shaping the future of cybersecurity by fostering collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to securing the digital world.

08 August 2024

United States

Blacks In Cyber Village @ DEF CON 2024

The Mission of our BIC Village This village seeks to highlight Black experiences, innovations in the field, Black culture, and Black history and provide a platform for discussing social justice and its impact on the progression and development of Technology. What to expect? Technology in Social Justice: Discussing and highlighting how disparity and lack of equality negatively affect the progression of Cybersecurity and the greater technology field. Black Experience In Cybersecurity / Technology: Describing or narrating a cultural experience that helped shape innovation, develop a curiosity, or fuel a mission. Cyber Innovations and Advancements: Presenting a specific advancement, innovation, or invention performed by a Black practitioner or aided the Black community.

09 August 2024

United States

AppSec Village at DEF CON 32

Our mission is to promote diverse voices and perspectives in an inclusive environment driven for and by the AppSec community to increase education and awareness of application security methods and practices. Immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue, or purple teamer, learn from the best of the best on how to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software. Software is everywhere, and application security vulnerabilities lurk around every corner, making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village. Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, and voting apps. All have software behind them. Such various topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers, mentors, and facilitators, representing all backgrounds and walks of life. AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all-AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village at DEF CON 32 will be a thrill!

09 August 2024

United States

Cloud Village @ DEF CON 2024

Cloud Village is an open space to meet folks interested in cloud security's offensive and defensive aspects. The village is home to various activities like talks, workshops, CTFs and discussions targeted around cloud services. If you are a professional who is looking to gain knowledge on securely maintaining the cloud stack and loves to be around like-minded security folks who share a similar zeal towards the community, Cloud Village is the perfect place for you.

10 December 2024

United States

Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference: Las Vegas 2024

Your business is demanding more value, reliability, and agility from its technology investments. But a rapidly changing macroeconomic and geopolitical climate, a complex and diverse technology ecosystem, and increasingly urgent talent shortages make these goals seem out of reach. Tackling these challenges requires visionary leadership that can deliver platforms capable of scale, innovation, and efficiency that will meet the demands of world-class organizations of tomorrow. Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations & Cloud Strategies Conference 2024 brings the world’s technology leaders together to hear top trends, find objective answers, and explore topic coverage in addition to best practices. Gain the insights and guidance to create an effective pathway to the future and network with your peers.

End of the events for this page.

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