Network Automation Tools (Webinars)

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Written by Jasmin

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Organizations are increasingly relying on network automation tools to decrease human labor and improve cyber security. Complex network chores, such as configuration management, patching, and monitoring, can be automated using network automation technologies. With the spread of mobile and cloud computing technologies, this demand has grown.

Traditional manual network administration is becoming increasingly outmoded in the age of digital transformation. Network automation must become an essential component of a company’s cybersecurity operations.

Network Automation Tools Improve Cyber Security

Network automation technologies assist in mitigating the danger to networks provided by unstructured human configuration changes. These technologies can assist organizations in detecting, preventing, checking, analyzing, and monitoring cyber security risks such as malware, botnets, and ransomware.

Furthermore, network automation technologies help ensure that network improvements follow industry standards and benchmarks such as the Security Benchmarks published by the Centre for Internet Security. They can also help an organization’s environments adopt standard configuration management procedures.

Network automation solutions can also help with policy compliance by automating policy checks and reducing human interaction and manual errors. Learned rules, also known as self-awareness, can aid in the detection of suspicious or non-conforming configuration changes, allowing for a prompt and effective security response.

Network Automation Tool Components

AI bots for network analysis, anomaly detection, and security breach response can be included in network automation software. AI bots can also be taught to recognize and respond to patterns in data.

Machine learning algorithms can also be used by network automation systems to monitor activity and identify unusual events or requests that may suggest an attack. ML can also assist in detecting malicious activity and alerting users or taking necessary action.

Network automation solutions can also help to ensure that service-level agreements are met by automating the activities involved. They can continuously monitor network and application performance and manage the resources required to achieve service-level agreements.

Companies in the Network Automation Tools Industry

Many organizations provide network automation solutions for enterprises. Cisco, Microsoft, Brocade, EMC, WindRiver, and Puppet are among the most prominent. Infosys, nounLabs, Adaptivity, and LANDesk are a few other famous companies that provide network automation services.

Events and Conferences

There are several international network automation conferences and events. The Network Automation Summit, Network Automation and Orchestration Conference, Network Automation Exchange, and Network Automation Forum are among them. These conferences cover network automation and orchestration, network operations, and network security.

Qualifications and Training

Many organizations provide network automation tool training and certification. Cisco Learning, Red Hat Learning Experience, Infomentum Learning Paths, AWS Machine Learning University, and the Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) are just a few examples.


Because network automation solutions are growing more popular in the workplace, there are job opportunities accessible. Engineers in network automation, system administration, and DevOps are in high demand. As the need for automation technologies grows, so will the need for individuals with a variety of technical and administrative skills.


Networking automation tools are becoming increasingly vital for businesses that wish to improve their cyber security, save human labor, and meet industry standards. They may continuously monitor operations, detect security concerns, and assist organizations in remaining compliant with industry requirements. There are a variety of solutions available from top manufacturers, as well as a variety of conferences and credentials to assist professionals in staying current with the latest technologies. As the need for network automation technologies rises, employment prospects will undoubtedly increase, and firms will want workers with a strong blend of technical and administrative abilities.

Popular FAQ Relating to Network Automation Tools (Webinars)

This section contains some of the most useful FAQ's that we can find that are related to Network Automation Tools (Webinars)..

What are network automation tools?

How can network automation technologies improve cybersecurity?

Which types of networks can be controlled with network automation tools?

Are programming abilities required while using network automation tools?

Can network automation tools be integrated into the existing network infrastructure?

How do network automation technologies increase network efficiency?

Are network automation techniques scalable to larger networks?

How do network automation tools help businesses?