Cybersecurity Event Marketing

An Introduction to Cybersecurity Call for Papers

In this post, we take a look at what is meant by “Call For Papers”, commonly abbreviated to “CFP”, how they are typically handled, and what conference organizers expect from them. The intention of this resource is to be a definitive resource for event managers, marketing communications professionals or even InfoSec speakers are able to use and learn from.

What Are Call For Papers?

We post a ton of content on Cybersecurity Conferences, Events and Seminars so for this resource when we refer to “Call For Papers” I’m referring to them in an InfoSec capacity.

Three Second Answer: Call For Papers is a term used by conference organizers (or academics) to solicit speaking opportunities that can be presented at their event.

So, you submit your idea for a presentation and the conference organizer will decide whether they’d like for you to present.

It’s worth just reminding again that Call For Papers, “CFP” refers to a myriad of solicitations to different media such as journals, books, papers, and a bunch more – but as stated, we will focus squarely on what CFP’s mean within Cybersecurity.

What’s The Point?

You might be asking what’s the point of submitting research and suggestions for security events. Well, the benefits are many.

These include:

  • Getting your research and thought leadership out there;
  • Associating your name with the security niche you’re in;
  • Fantastic promotion for your company too!

When you walk off the stage the audience will know who you are and what you do, resulting in making networking a breeze since you’ll discover that delegates will introduce themselves to you as ease.

In summary, speaking and presenting at Cybersecurity Conferences is a brilliant way to get business both from a personal level and corporate level as well.

How Do I Find Call For Papers?

We can help!

We have a dedicated service whereby we source and manage all your CFP Speaking Opportunities; all entirely dependent on your niche and needs.

Call For Paper Opportunities

If you are seeking CFP opportunities or you’ve been tasked with trying to find speaking opportunities here are some places you might find them:

What Are “Call For Abstracts?”

“Call For Abstracts” is a much less-used term for essentially the same thing as a CFP.

Typically, CFP’s are requested in an abstract format that is submitted via a Word Document or a PDF Format.

A cybersecurity abstract when submitted as a Call For Papers (CFP) is typically between 150- to 250-words. I’d suggest that clearly expresses your central (InfoSec-related) thesis, research, or solution and summarize it with specific key points.

The Thirteen Step Process To Successfully Submitting Call For Papers

Here’s a basic thirteen-step outline that you should follow when applying for Cybersecurity Call For Papers.

Your mileage will vary a lot when it comes to submitting InfoSec CFP’s but in essence, you need to present concise information relating to the:

  • “Why”
  • And, the “How”

In other words, Why is it a problem, and How can it be fixed.

Assuming that you’ve discovered a bunch of CFP’s to apply for and you’re also aware of the deadlines, here’s how I would recommend you tackle your CFP submissions.

Step 1Do Your Research And Find Cybersecurity CFPs
Step 2Find Out The CFP Requirements
Step 3Create A Catchy Title
Step 4Submit The (Correct) Requested Abstract Type
Step 5Consider Your Readers & Audience
Step 6Explain The Importance Of Your Research
Step 7Outline Your Solution (with Methods)
Step 8Avoid Copy-Pasting At All Costs!
Step 9Keep It Well-Structured And Logical
Step 10Include Technical And Non-Technical Key Phrases And Words
Step 11Sum It Up, Keep It Simple
Step 12Editing And Proofreading
Step 13Keep Pressuring!

Step 1. Do Your Research And Find Cybersecurity CFP’s

Key Takeaway: Do Your Research And Find Cybersecurity CFP’s

This is a time-consuming piece.

Either do it yourself or let us help you out! We’re friendly with literally hundreds of Cybersecurity Conference organizers and we collate all requests for InfoSec Speakers that we share with our clients, or – we submit CFP’s on their behalf.

When doing your research in finding CFP’s remember that in Cybersecurity there, are at a minimum eight types of InfoSec Conference.

  • InfoSec/Cybersecurity Unconference (BSides, DEF CON Groups, Meetups)
  • Typical “Vendor-Related” Cybersecurity Conference (Black Hat, RSA)
  • Non-Vendor “Hacker Conference” (DEF CON, Toorcon, CCC, HOPE, 8.8)
  • Symposium (IEEE, ISACA)
  • Seminar (Government-related, US or UK);
  • Colloquium (Academic Events)
  • Workshop (Lockpicking Villages, Capture The Flags)
  • Roundtable Or Vendor CXO-Level Commerical Events (FutureCon, Cyber Security Summit)

Each of these types of conferences has a different style and expectation. In other words, what happens at DEF CON usually stays at DEF CON – remembering that it is in Las Vegas after all!

Assuming that you’ve got a list of CFP’s, then let’s move on!

Step 2. Find Out The CFP Requirements

Key Takeaway: Don’t Mess Up Simple Instructions

Every InfoSec Conference event is different and will have a different CFP Submission process.

Most submissions are either accepted via email, and online submission web form, or a third-party platform.

The requested media format of your talk and presentation is vital.

Formats typically are requested in either a PDF or Word Document.

Don’t miss this bit up because the conference (organizers) committee might be slightly over-zealous and cancel any CFP’s that aren’t submitted in their requested format. Don’t give them a reason to ignore you out of hand.

Step 3. Create A Catchy Title

Key Takeaway: The Title Is Perhaps The Most Important Item

Consider some of these amazing DEF CON Talks.

There are real titles that are considered by many as being some of the best DEF CON talks ever given.

  • How TOR Users Got Caught
  • That Awesome Time I Was Sued For Two Billion Dollars
  • Hack All The Things! 20 Devices in 45 minutes
  • Pwned By The owner What happens When You Steal A Hacker’s Computer
  • How My Botnet Purchased Millions Of Dollars In Cars And Defeated The Russian Hackers
  • Stealing Profits from Spammers or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spam
  • Steal Everything, Kill Everyone, Cause Total Financial Ruin!

This doesn’t really need much explanation to suffice to say that you need to make the title intriguing and evoke curiosity.

Step 4. Submit The (Correct) Requested Abstract Type

Key Takeaway: Make It Engaging, Informative – AND Interesting!

Writing the abstract can be a little tricky, and out of all the steps, this is likely the most important step when submitting CFP’s.

Think of it a bit like that back of a book cover, or a movie trailer. You want to give away teasers of what to expect and get the reader to want to know more.

It’s vital that you keep the abstract interesting and thankfully this shouldn’t be considered as being too difficult in Cybersecurity. Think about Cybercrime, Cyberwarfare, Digital Forensics, Social Engineering, SCADA, etc. there’s a ton of really interesting content so the abstract piece should almost write itself.

Obviously, it depends on the conference you’re applying for. , there is so much fascinating and often nefarious activities info out there. I use the abstract part of the talk abstract literally: I try not to include too many specific details to give me some leeway to let the talk take me where it wants to go later when I build it. You can’t be too amorphous to the extent where you’re not saying anything, otherwise, the organizers won’t pick it, but you can talk in broader themes than you would otherwise.

Also, keep it interesting. As I said, this will probably be in the talk program, and if the conference you’re presenting at has multiple tracks, you’ll want to write something interesting enough to pull people in and choose your talk.

Step 5. Consider Your Readers & Audience

Key Takeaway: If They Are Hackers, Then Talk To Them Like A Nerd

Your audience is defined as the group of people, likely security professionals, that you intend for your content to be listened to and watched by either virtually or physically.

It’s therefore obviously vital that you consider your audience when writing your abstract and CFP proposal.

Regardless to say, of course the more technical the event then the more you can likely use specific niche-related jargon, for example using networking protocols when discussing network breaches.

Step 6. Explain The Importance Of Your Research

Key Takeaway: State Why Your Proposal Is Important

Discovering a zero-day and presenting it at DEF CON would certainly make headlines around the world.

The “Call For Papers Committee”, i.e. the group that reviews all submitted CFP’s will want speakers that address serious issues that are affecting the community at large.

Ideally, your research and proposal will outline the seriousness of the “problem”, or perhaps that will be inherently known.

In any event, stress the danger or threat and make that apparent in your CFP.

Step 7. Outline Your Solution (with Methods)

Key Takeaway: Clear Solutions And Methods Would Be Ideal

This is self-explanatory but a good CFP outline would also include ways that the problem that you’ve rectified could be resolved and “patched”,

Having a “how-to” in your presentation would certainly pique the interest of the papers review committee.

Step 8. Avoid Copy-Pasting At All Costs!

Key Takeaway: Don’t Be Lazy. Check Against Duplications

It’s worth mentioning that the committee’s reviewing the Call For Papers will prefer that the content being delivered is fresh and unique to their security conference or event.

Most (major) cybersecurity conferences have a policy whereby you agree not to re-deliver your presentation or talk for a period of time, usually a month.

Step 9. Keep It Well-Structured And Logical

Key Takeaway: Organizing Presentations Read And Covert Better

Don’t let the review committee have any reason to doubt your CFP proposal because they don’t understand how it flows.

Keep all the sections nice and organized that follow into one another.

Of course, have a contents section certainly helps and I’ve seen a lot of Call For Papers have color-coded sections to further enhance the divisions of chapters and subject matter.

Step 10. Include Technical And Non-Technical Key Phrases And Words

Key Takeaway: Remember To Include A Glossary For Overtly Technical Terms

If you’re in a room packed full of SCADA professionals all discussing PLC’s then likely your audience will completely understand the technical terms, but as we stated in Step 4, you must consider your audience.

It’s never a bad idea just to clarify (at the beginning of your CFP) what you mean by certain terms, especially with regards to abbreviations.

Step 11. Sum It Up, Keep It Simple

Key Takeaway: Have A Memorable Ending

The beginning is just as important as the end.

Maybe give a statistic that will outline the real cost of not-patching or the consequence of not solving the problem that you’re outlining.

This sections needs to be short and sweet.

Step 12. Editing And Proofreading

Key Takeaway: Get A Professional Copywriter To Take A Look

Copywriting sells.

The more emotive your language the better.

A good idea is to head over to UpWork or Freelancer and hire a Copywriter, you’ll have to pay between USD $50 – $100 or so but it will be worth it in the long run. Even just to have the abstract professionally edited can – and will – make all the difference.

Step 13. Keep Pressuring!

Key Takeaway: Don’t Take No For An Answer Until The Say No

Kinda obvious to say but considering how much work you’ve done at this stage don’t let the committee just sit on your CFP.

Many CFP committees have a review stage whereby they might contact you asking for clarification and allow you the opportunity to re-submit.

If you don’t hear back from them within a timely fashion make sure to politely chase them up.


Go for it!

The benefits of becoming a Cybersecurity Conference Speaker are numerous.

Getting your research out there and labeling yourself as an expert – or specialist- within your niche had a tandem benefit of enhancing your profile whilst also promoting your brand, be it your own or your employers.

We Can Help With All Your Cybersecurity CFP Submissions

Our service, called “InfoSec Event Navigator”, helps our clients search and apply for CFP’s.

We save you hours of work by collating all the CFP’s within the Cybersecurity niche and we organize them in an easy format for you to apply to.

We also have a premier service whereby we do it for you!

If you’re interested get in contact with us through the site or visit our InfoSec Event Navigator page.

Good luck with your endeavorers!

How To Get Public Cybersecurity Speaking Engagements

Securing Speaking Engagements

In this post, we’ll take a look at ways that you can secure speaking opportunities at InfoSec events.

There are some things in life that everyone feels strongly about in one way or another. Public Speaking is one of those things.

Some people love to speak in front of a crowd of strangers while some people are completely petrified of delivering a speech.

For people who want to have a career in public speaking, there are a lot more those people could possibly gain than they could lose.

Some people don’t know where to get started but want to book speaking gigs. Those people should continue reading because this will go over every step on how to book speaking engagements.

Cybersecurity Conferences and Speaking Opportunities.

Cybersecurity (“InfoSec”) is one of those subjects in which there is no “master of all”, indeed, it is a complex and ever-expanding subject matter. With its’ constantly evolving content (and technologies) conferences and events are critical for the advancement of the industry.

We list a ton of tech security events here, but what about securing the actual opportunities to speak at popular InfoSec events?

Read on for our 8 Tips To Gey You Speaking Gigs!

1: The Reason People Should Listen

Everyone who chooses this career has a reason why they want to speak to the public. The three most common causes for someone starting a speaking career are:

  • Wanting To Sell Your Written Works
  • To Promote Services of Teaching
  • To Have A Career In Public Speaking

The first step in starting a career in speaking is: deciding why. One question you will want to ask yourself is: What do I have to offer? Do you want to become a self-help author? Do you want to leave your current dead-end job for one where you travel the world speaking? Commit to a reason why you are speaking and why people should listen before you continue the process of becoming a public speaker.

2: Plan Out Your Message

It’s very hard to become successful if you let the places you book decide what you will be talking about on stage. It’s not impossible but it makes becoming a public speaker harder than it has to be. When you decide to talk and you want to book an arena, field, or any other kind of scene, you should tell the person that you’re booking with what you will be talking about.

When you book a place to speak, the person you are renting the building from wants to know the speaker will be knowledgeable, assured in his skills and that you are offering something of value to the people who will be attending. You don’t need to write out an essay with every word that you will say on the microphone ready at this time but it’s a good idea to prepare an outline with a few different subjects that you would like to cover. A few different topics covered in public speaking engagements are:

  • Everything You Need To Know About Your Business Having A Social Media Presence
  • Building A Platform On The Internet In One Year
  • Defeating Hesitation And Going After Your Goal

While it’s not a big concern, think about the places you are trying to book and see what message would benefit your audience the most.

3: Become A Member Of The Chamber Of Commerce

This step is optional because you don’t have to join the chamber of commerce if that has nothing with the message you want to deliver. There are different organizations you could join to become a speaker and you want to join one that serves causes you feel strongly about.

After you meet with the people of an organization several times, those people will want to hear you speak on something you know very well This is the time where you test yourself on whether you can handle speaking to the public and you might make some relationships with people that could assist your speaking career in the future.

Another benefit of speaking in an organization is: you will be given constructive criticism so you know what you do well and what you need to improve on before you speak at your first gig.

4: Create Your Existence On The Internet

Something that will help you get your name out as a speaker is creating an online profile. There are websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and no one says you have to pick one website over the rest. So the next step would be creating a membership page on the platform(s) of your choice and making sure each membership page contains:

  • A Picture That Has You Speaking In A Positive Light
  • Your Real Name
  • A Couple Of Subjects That You Cover In Speeches
  • What You Titled Some Of Your Speeches
  • The Neighborhood Where You Live

Study the successful profiles of other speakers and make sure your profiles put the best you out there. You want your profile to be easy for people to explore and for people to contact you if they want to offer you a speaking gig.

Your online profiles will be something to show people when you start trying to book gigs so make your profile pages look as best as possible since it will be the first impression most people receive before they hear you speak.

5: Schedule A Place To Hold Your First Speaking Gig

Start getting into contact with different venues where people can book a speaking engagement. Choose a venue depending on why you are speaking.

Unfortunately, you may have to play the waiting game because certain places may not have any openings for a few months. So keep that in mind when you are scheduling the events you are speaking at. There may be particular rules that you have to follow depending on the venue so that is something else you will want to keep in mind.

The first time you go out to book a speaking engagement, you are not going to be accepted right away by the person who is responsible for booking events for that building. Unfortunately being rejected is something you will have to deal with especially when you are starting out. Just go on to the next place you would like to be booked at and don’t stop until you are booked somewhere.

6: Try To Get Booked At A Regional Conference

As you are trying to get bookings close to where you live, you want to attend a meeting place or convention that has to do with the subject that you know most about. How this will differentiate from local bookings is you will receive a bigger audience if you are the one chosen to speak.

Don’t let your social media pages become outdated. This is something you will want to update every time you have a chance. Add places that you have already spoken at as well as the opinions of people who attended.

One more thing to remember about local bookings is while you will be rejected more than you are accepted at first, once you have a few places that gave you a chance, more places will be open to letting you speak if those first few bookings went well.

7: Create A Team Responsible For Recording Your Speaking Engagements

As you keep getting better at speaking engagements, keep in mind that you will want to continue to graduate to bigger speaking engagements as you get more experience. Unfortunately, you can’t get booked if you don’t have yourself at a previous speaking gig on video. If you’re not sure how to have yourself recorded, consider the suggestions below:

  • Ask a friend to record you on camera
  • Pay someone who films events for a living
  • Ask the people who are booking you if they have someone who can record you
  • Have multiple people record you on their phone and choose each scene from the video that showcases you best

Once you have some speaking gigs recorded, you will want someone who is experienced in video editing to pick out the best 5-10 minutes of one of your speeches. It would also help if you could isolate clips that don’t last longer than a minute.

Once you have those clips recorded, upload them to the pages that you use for social media. When you are trying to book speaking engagements for the future, the person you want to book you will have content to check out.

8: Book About A Dozen Speaking Engagements

After there are recordings of you on your social media pages, you will want to try and get a dozen bookings over the next 12 months. Some people that have made it this far only hear a yes about 20% of the time.

When you are trying to decide where you will offer your speaking services to, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Revisit places you have already spoken at
  • Offer your services to places you have not spoken at
  • Try to get booked at places that would be a dream to speak at
  • Conventions in your country’s region that have something to do with you speak about

While this is simple to do, it’s not going to be easy. After the dozen that you have booked over 12 months, continue to book your speaking engagements if you don’t have someone on staff booking appointments for you.

From this point on, just continue talking where you get opportunities. Some people make four or five figures talking for one hour. Hopefully, as you work on your speeches and continue talking to the public, you can reach that point one day.

Getting A Conference Visa For The USA or UK

How To Get A Visa When Attending Cyber Security Conferences in the US or the UK

Cybersecurity, when compared to other tech industries in my opinion, evolves the fastest.

Because of this, InfoSec professionals have become more open to various means of acquiring new knowledge: and attending conferences will help you by:

  • Acquiring tech and cybersecurity knowledge
  • Expanding your personal network
  • Promoting yourself and your brand!

So, before we being – let’s be clear: for cybersecurity professionals, attending conferences should be considered as being a must-do!

Thanks to year-round seminars and conferences all around the globe, there is no excuse not to attend one. It’s pretty likely that there are conferences in the country you’re in but if you’re looking for bigger cyber security gatherings, you should look into visiting the US, the UK or India.

Just by merely Googling cyber security conferences, you’ll notice that most of the cybersecurity conferences we list tend to mostly be located in the aforementioned three locations.

What Is This Visa Conference Resource?

We’ve put together a resource to help you understand how to get a visa conference.

Why Travel To Attend a Conferences?

There are three major things you will definitely gain from this experience:

The conferences get to tackle cyber security issues dealt by the community. Because people from different places join these gatherings, it’s highly likely that you will be able to hear out issues and technological advances dealt by different cyber security professionals from all over the world.

You meet a new group of people from all over the world. Widen the scope of your network with the conferences you attend.

A bigger network means greater opportunities for professional growth.

You can mix business with pleasure. Conferences, in general, last from 2 to 4 days at most.

When the gathering has wrapped up, you can go ahead and plan a much needed short (or long) vacation as you wish!

If you’re interested (and we are sure you are), you’ll need a visa to get in to these places. Don’t fret because we’re giving you the most concise information on how to acquire your visas without (so much) hassle!

US Conference Visa

I. Getting A Visa For A Conference In The United States of America

What type of visa will you need?
The type of visa you will need to attend a conference in the United States is B-1, which is a business visitor visa.

The B class of visa is a type of non-immigrant visa provided by the US government to foreign people seeking temporary access into the country. The B-1 visa is granted to people seeking entrance for business purposes, whereas the B-2 visa is granted to those seeking access for tourist or other non-commercial reasons.

What’s the difference between a B-1 and B-2 visa for conference attending?

  • B-1 is the only visa you can use to enter the US to attend a conference
  • B-2 is for strictly non-commerical reasons

This business visa gives you permission to stay in the US up to 6 months. That should definitely be able to cover your conference days/week plus some sightseeing before and/or after the convention.

How to apply?
Applying for a B-1 US visa (or B-2) may differ based on the consulate or US Embassy you will be applying from.

However, generally this is how it will go:
Complete the online visa application. This includes completing Form DS-160 through the online application for non-immigrants. Print the completed form. Also, be ready with passport-sized photos, which will later on be asked from you.

Schedule your interview with the US Embassy or Consulate of the country you reside. Be prepared for your interview by securing a non-refundable payment before the scheduled interview date and having the necessary documents on hand such as your passport, your printed copy of Form DS-160, photos and a receipt of your payment. Also, be prepared to also answer questions such as why you want to visit and where you will be staying during your visit. Having papers to back up your claims will definitely increase your chances of getting approved.

Pray and wait for your visa approval. You should be able to get an answer about your visa approval (or disapproval) in at the very least a week or two from your interview.

UK Conference Visa

II. Getting A Visa For A Conference In The United Kingdom

What type of visa will you need?
If you’re attending a conference in UK, you will need to secure a UK visitor visa. Just like the B-1/B-2 US visa, its validity extends for up to 6 months. The visitor visa is available to non-immigrants who have temporary business in the UK.

How to apply?
Similar to acquiring a US visa, applying for a UK visitor visa may vary depending on the UK Embassy or consulate of your country of origin. In any case, here are general guidelines for you to follow:

Log on and click on the UK visa application. The site is very helpful and very user-friendly so you should be able to quickly navigate your way through. After figuring out the necessary documents needed and filing the online application, you should be ready to go.

Book an appointed interview schedule with the UK Embassy. Be sure to do this because walk in applicants are rarely entertained.

Attend the schedule interview date with your application documents. These include your passport, a printed application form you completed online, appointment letter and a second form of identification card. FYI, all the documents you’ve submitted will be the only files that’ll be taken into consideration by the UK government so make sure everything is complete and legitimate before handing them over.

After the interview, you will be asked to enroll your fingerprint and get your photo taken. For fingerprint scanning, make sure that your fingers are clean and are free from lacerations or tattoos.

Wait for a couple of weeks to know if your visa has been granted.

India Conference Visa

III. Getting A Visa For A Conference In India

What type of visa will you need?
In order to attend a conference happening in India that is set up by a private company, you will need to secure an Indian Business Visa. This type of Indian visa usually gives you up to 3 months, single entry to the country.

However if you are attending a conference spearheaded by the Indian government, you may be granted a Conference Visa instead.

How to apply?
To apply for either Conference or a Business Visa, here are some guidelines:

Get hold of the Indian Visa Application Form.

Complete the said form and be sure to bring along two copies during your interview. You can be able to access the application form on

Schedule an interview with the Indian Embassy or Consulate. Payment will also be required from you during this stage in order to secure your interview slot.

Show up on the interview date with the necessary documents. If available, you can show proof of the conference you are attending to increase your chances of getting an approval.

Wait for the results whether your visa has been approved or not.

How To Speak At DEF CON

Getting a speaking gig at DEF CON, or indeed any hacker conference is clearly a massive endorsement of your research within your subject matter.

If you are new to learning about this legendary hacking event then here are some notable DEF CON moments that you read about. We also have a post on what makes this conference so special.

To get accepted to talk and present at a highly reputable conference like DEF CON is tricky of course but they’ll give you a fighting chance if you submit and apply yourself properly.

Just a quick heads up! If you’d prefer – here are some of the most famous DEF CON talks of all time (hint: these might give you some inspiration!).

Anyways – let’s dive into how to create some DEF CON talk ideas and apply them to speak at this conference.

Create Captivating Content

This is obvious but make sure with complete certainty that your content (security-related) subject matter is totally on-point. A good example could be the infamous car hacks that were demonstrated and widely reported back in 2015. The speakers were pretty much guaranteed a spot at any major conference in which they were at Black Hat. Clearly, the subject matter was timely and captivating and generated a ton of press. So think – what is that truly fascinates you and then start to sketch out all the points and examples that you’d be able to make.

DEF CON content is definitely more “cutting edge” than other Cybersecurity Conferences so to apply to get a speaking opportunity we’d recommend that you make yourself as pioneering as possible.

An example of a “cutting edge” presentation that took place at DEF CON 26 would be Marcus Hutchins WannaCry talk which was clearly extremely topical at the time.

The Title Is Key

Any journalist or Internet Marketer will tell you that half of the battle in getting people’s interest is in being able to write a catchy title that creates excitement and sets the stage for what is to come. We have a resource on some TED InfoSec Talks that may give you some inspiration, as well as our “recommended 5 DEF CON, talks since 1994” and in that, an example of a title we like is: “That Awesome Time I Was Sued For Two Billion Dollars”.

Make Sure You Submit Your Well Written CFP Early!

Kinda a no-brainer here but of course make sure that your CFP Proposal is submitted as early as possible thereby making sure it is received and of course, make sure it is well written! Following the guidelines precisely and accurately because any inconsistencies and your CFP will be rejected.

Look At Past Events

One of the awesome things about DEF CON (of which there are many) is that you can see the past talks and presentations that took place all the way back to DEF CON 1! Seek out talks that you can relate to and, of course, use them for inspiration.

5 Steps To Apply

To apply to present at the DEF CON conference, please complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Speakers” area of the DEF CON website at the DEF CON Website.
  2. Examine the speaker rules and qualifications to ensure you meet the eligibility standards and are aware of the expectations.
  3. Prepare your talk proposal, which should include a title, a summary, and a presentation outline. Make sure your proposal is well-written, informative, and relevant.
  4. When the DEF CON CFP (Call for Papers) system is open, submit your idea through it. Typically, the CFP opens several months before the conference and closes a few weeks before the event. To submit your project, you must first establish an account and then follow the instructions.
  5. Wait for the DEF CON team to respond. They will review your proposal and notify you whether or not you have been chosen. If you are chosen, you will be assigned a time slot during the conference to present your topic.

Is It Worth Public Speaking?

In this post I outline 17 Reasons Why We Think, Yes: Speaking at Cybersecurity Conferences is Important.

Since developing communication skills is beneficial in nearly every aspect of life, public speaking is a perfect opportunity to build professional growth on several levels.

If you choose to participate in debates, become a motivational speaker, or build faith in front of a crowd, public speaking will help you achieve your objectives!

However, this post focuses on Cybersecurity Conferences, and how speaking at events is a fantastic idea.

I’ve compiled a list of 17 reasons you need to stand up and speak!

If you’d like to speak at Cybersecurity Conferences then get in touch!

1. In Cybersecurity, Authority is Everything

Leadership is needed in the field of security – especially Cybersecurity.

You need to stand proud, firm, and confidently tout your solution as THE answer to the problem that your clients (and potential customers) are facing.

2. Progress Your Cybersecurity Career

Effective public speaking skills can help you succeed in your career because they demonstrate imagination, analytical thought, communication ability, poise, and integrity, both of which are highly valued in the job market.

Speaking at conventions and activities is a successful way to build reputation. The more well-known the case, the healthier, as you’ll be able to brag about your speaking accomplishments on your resume.

Speaking in front of a group will even make you stick out at work. You’ll learn to stand up in groups, encourage your thoughts, and maintain a pleasant demeanor. Speaking abilities will also aid you in landing a career.

After a few speaking engagements, people will recognise you and continue to regard you as an authority figure in your field. You’ll notice that people who heard you talk will refer you new clients and business. You’ll have access to a slew of innovative company and speaking opportunities.

3. Boost Your Self-Assurance

Speaking in front of a group will help you gain trust. It is inspiring to overcome the doubts and insecurities that come from public speaking.

Connecting with the audience (i.e. other security professionals) will often serve as a powerful affirmation that you have important thoughts and perspectives to share with the public.

If you progress from presenting to small groups to broad crowds, your belief will also rise. This can help you not just on stage, but also in daily life, such as at a conference or on a date.

While the anxiety of speaking in front of a group will not go away completely, it will show you how to cope with your doubts and transform your insecurity into power.

4. Enhance Your Ability To Think Critically

Public speaking is a fantastic opportunity to improve strategic thought abilities. From the audience review to the final line, writing a speech necessitates a great deal of thinking. It’s not enough to provide a message; you really need to work out how to adapt it to your target audience’s needs.

How do you make your points more interesting to your audience? How do you make your points more understandable to the audience? You might be able to develop your overall speech style at home and at work if you start thinking seriously regarding your speaking style.

5. For Personal Growth, Public Speaking Is Essential

One of the most significant advantages of public speaking is the improvement of communication skills, which are critical for personal and career achievement.

When preparing a message, speakers are forced to take a step back to consider how to convey it effectively. It’s all too simple to revert to contact patterns we established years earlier in daily life.

6. Clear, Loud, Audible and With A Pause

In the military, they teach you the CLAP analogy.

  • Clear: speak clearly
  • Loud: speak loudly (so folks can hear you!)
  • Audible: make it so that everyone can understand your words;
  • With A Pause: use a pause.

When writing a speech, you would choose the right framework, rhetorical technique, and diction to convey your message to the audience.

This way of thought will assist you with improving your communication abilities in other aspects of your life as well.

Personal partnerships, social experiences, and job environments all necessitate the exchange of thoughts with others. The aim of public speaking is to communicate ideas. You should learn to consider an alternative viewpoint calmly, plan and coherently articulate your thoughts, and justify your position to others.

7. Establish New Social Ties & Enhance Your Network

Your LinkedIn profile will explode will value and reach.

Public speaking engagements are a great way to reach people who have similar interests to you. People will contact you during your presentation to strike up a discussion. It helps to make new social relations a lot simpler.

After your address, spend as much time as possible mingling with the crowd, answering questions, and finding new insights on your subject.

By including contact details on handouts or presentations, give audience participants the choice of contacting you at a later time. If you have a website, tell your audience where they can find more stuff.

If you’re a speaker on a panel, introduce yourself to the other panelists. Congratulate them or inquire about their presentation if you missed it. In the field of public speaking, there are many resources for networking, so prepare ahead and take advantage of them.

8. Personal Fulfillment (Satisfaction)

Public speaking, along with spiders, clowns and heights, is a very common and feared phobia.

Many folks will rather do nearly anything than get up and speak in front of a large group of people. Giving a speech can be threatening and dangerous.

Put it this way: confidence breeds confidence.

What begins as a nightmare might end up being a personal lift.

9. Delegates (“Leads”) Come To YOU!

Another advantage in public speaking is that when you give a speech at a function, everybody needs to talk to you. This is a fantastic way to meet new people, make business connections, and generate revenue.

Not just that, however you’ll have the chance to network with other speakers, some of whom are notoriously challenging to reach.

Speakers will be offered food and drink and have the opportunity to network in guest rooms at speaking events.

10. Persuasion Is A Skill That Can Be Learned

The use of public speaking as a catalyst for peaceful advocacy and progressive reform has a long tradition. It’s a powerful opportunity to get people together for a shared goal and inspire them to act. It’s no wonder that individuals have used the influence of public speech to create an impact across history.

You’ll rarely have a greater chance to talk to a captive audience about what matters most to you. You’ll have the opportunity to impact the colleagues. You won’t be able to change the world in every speech, but you can easily have a little effect on others.

11. Develop Leadership Abilities And Skills

If you’ve ever had someone do the talking for you or struggled to articulate yourself, it will go away. You’ll not only be able to express your mind fluently, but you’ll also find yourself doing it with everyone.

You’re thinking in a way that can shift people’s minds about everything if you get up and talk in a powerful manner. If you can master the talent in persuasion and turning hearts and minds, you’ve also mastered one of the most important facets of leadership.

If you can do it in front of a community of people, you’ll also be willing to do it in a more private environment. Leaders must be able to motivate others to improve, and public speaking abilities are essential for this.

12. Learn How To Perform, i.e. “Body Language”

You’ll have developed a sense of pacing, knowing when to stop and for how long. You’ll understand vocal variation and how to transition across speed, speaking rate, and sound shifts. You’ll be able to express yourself more clearly. If your confidence grows, you’ll learn about mime, props, and storytelling.

All of these acting qualities will help you deliver a better voice.

13. Expand Your Vocabulary And Improve Your Fluency.

You’ll be aware of the impact of the terms you use to convey your meaning, as well as the fact that they must be tailored to various audiences.

You’ll no longer have traditional filler words in daily speech, which indicate that the person is uncertain of what they’re doing or nervous about speaking.

14. You’ll Become Fearless!

Your pulse would not pound if you are called upon to utter a few lines at a wedding, awards banquet, or any significant event at the last minute.

Instead, you’ll graciously welcome the invitation to give an impromptu speech.

This is a big advantage in public speaking, because you won’t have to think about getting invited to appear at formal functions.

15. Learn How To Debate

When giving a presentation, you are often required to make a well-thought-out point. You can learn a lot about the art of argument in the rehearsal, practice, and on stage, particularly if you get to involve your audience in any kind of question and response.

16. Your Senior Management Will View You As A Boss-Player

Who do we pay more attention to: an individual speaking to us in person or an email?

An individual speaking would often be more persuasive than a notice sent over the internet. If that’s your thing, you might spend your time moving from person to person.

Consider how many more people you could meet if you got up on stage and addressed everyone in the crowd. When you talk to a group of 400 people rather than one-on-one, you’re making a big difference. The more individuals you will reach out to, the more progress you’ll be willing to make.

17. It Improves Your Listening skills

Though listening can be a forgotten art, a public speaking course may help you improve your listening skills.

When you go to a seminar, you’ll hear a lot of various kinds of presentations about a vast range of subjects by individuals that are likely to be somewhat different from you. This can help you improve your communication and note-taking skills without you ever realizing it.

These advantages make stepping out of your comfort zone and delivering a speech well worth your time. The first couple of occasions you talk, you’ll be anxious, but you’ll soon grow to love the moment.

The Five Biggest Trends In Cybersecurity In 2022

In this post, we outline what we consider to be the four biggest cyber security trends in 2022. Cyber security is evolving rapidly and is becoming one of today’s most important technology areas in 2022.

This post is a little late in the year; our one for 2021 is here.

AI-powered Cybersecurity

There will be many new discoveries and advancements this year, so here are some of the trends that will transform cyber security in the next year: artificial intelligence-powered cyber security, similar to how it is utilized in financial services for fraud protection. Many of these discoveries will be presented at AI conferences.

Artificial intelligence can help fight cybercrime by detecting patterns of activity that indicate something unusual is going on. Importantly, AI allows this to be done in systems that must deal with thousands of events every second. According to a recent study by Cap Gemini, two-thirds of cybersecurity companies now feel AI is vital for identifying and fighting cybersecurity risks, and nearly three-quarters are employing or testing AI for this reason.


Ransomware is becoming a bigger problem and is #2 on our list.

In the first quarter of 2021, there were three times as many ransomware assaults as there were throughout the entire year of 2019, according to PWC research, and 61 percent of technology executives predict this to continue in 2022.

Ransomware infects devices with a virus that encrypts data and threatens to destroy it unless a ransom is paid, which is usually in the form of an untraceable cryptocurrency. Alternatively, the software infection may threaten to disclose the data publicly, exposing the company to massive fines.

Ransomware is often spread through phishing assaults, in which employees are deceived into submitting personal information or clicking a link that downloads ransomware software, also known as malware, onto a computer.

Direct infection through USB devices by persons with physical access to machines is becoming more widespread in recent years. Worryingly, the sorts of assaults targeting vital infrastructure have increased, including one on a water treatment facility that momentarily managed to modify the facility’s chemical processes in a way that may harm life. Other ransomware attacks have targeted gas lines, and the most efficient way to combat this threat is to educate hospitals.

If this is a subject matter of interest then we’d urge you to search for and attend Cyber crime conferences that very often cover Ransomware subjects and defense strategies.

The Internet of (Vulnerable) Things

Employees who are aware of the hazards of this form of attack are eight times less likely to be a victim, according to research. The Internet of Things is susceptible to being hacked.

The number of linked devices known as the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to reach billions by 2020, providing a massive rise in possible entry points for hackers attempting to get into protected digital systems. Hackers have used linked domestic equipment such as refrigerators and kettles to get access to networks, and then to computers or phones where important data may be kept, according to previous reports.

Many firms are increasingly constructing digital twins or extensive digital simulations of whole systems or even businesses as the Internet of Things becomes more advanced. These models are frequently connected to operational systems in order to model data acquired by them, and they might provide criminals with a gold mine of data and entry points in 2022.

To learn more about these threats we’d encourage you to check out cyber events that we’ve labeled as being within the IoT space as well as “Hacking Conferences”.

We’ll likely see more assaults on IoT devices as edge computing devices, which process data as close as feasible to where it’s collected and centralized, become more common.

Cloud Security In The Post-Pandemic, Russo-Ukrainian World

Cloud infrastructure can be susceptible, and again, knowledge and awareness are the two most effective strategies for defending against these flaws.

A potential cyber security strategy should always involve a complete audit of every device that may connect to the network or be granted access, as well as a detailed awareness of any vulnerabilities. Because every cyber security operation is only as safe as its weakest link, companies are carefully scrutinizing every supply chain connection.

Clearly, the WFH and Covid situation as well as the war in Ukraine has sped up the Cloud security threat.

If you’re interested in learning more about the latest Cloud developments this year we’d encourage you to visit our list of recommended Cloud conferences.

Regulation Is Starting To Catch Up With Risk Strategies

As a result of the possible risks listed above, organizations will increasingly consider cyber security resilience and exposure when deciding who to collaborate with.

According to a Gartner’s study, by 2025, 60% of firms would view cyber security concerns as the main decision when deciding who to conduct business with, resulting in additional laws.

More firms are in danger of potentially significant penalties if they make information security mistakes as a result of the GDPR, such as the Chinese Personal Information Protection Legislation and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

This implies that each partner with possible access to an organization’s data or systems will be thoroughly examined. Companies that are unable to respond to queries about their cyber security arrangements or ratings will be increasingly excluded from the code.

In fact, according to Gartner, industry-standard security rating systems such as security scoreboards will become as significant to businesses as credit rating agencies’ legislation has been catching up with dangers for many years.

One result this year might be an increase in the number of governments enacting legislation pertaining to paying payments in response to ransomware attacks, which would expand penalties that presently only cover breach and loss to also encompass vulnerabilities and exposure to potential damage.

In an attempt to limit the impact of data theft, losses, and breaches on customers, we may see a growing number of legal obligations placed on chief information security officers, similar to the responsibilities of chief financial officers, while this will inevitably increase the burden on those responsible for information security. In the long run, this will only be beneficial.

Today, more than ever, gaining customer confidence is critical for firms who desire our most sensitive personal data.

How To Be A Confident Public Speaker

Imagine Everyone Naked

You’ve likely heard that one before, or perhaps you’ve heard of speaking with pebbles in your mouth like Demosthenes.

However, there’s more advice to give than just those old adages.

Public speaking is a skill that everyone can master: and that’s the good news.

Be Confident Be Honest

Just to tell someone to “break a leg” and go out there and perform by being confident certainly is a correct approach, but we’d suggest that an even more effective way to be an excellent public speaker is to just be honest. Being honest is so much easier than lying and I doubt that anyone reading this can disagree with that.

Speaking from the heart, being honest and being yourself are certainly the most important attributes anyone can deploy when being on stage and delivering a talk or presentation.

Tips ‘n Tricks To Make You A Better Public Speaker

#1 Remember that everyone is the same. We all have bills to pay, worries, concerns, successes, insecurities, great things about ourselves and a bunch of shitty ones too. What’s the point I’m making? Try not to get all wound up over stuff which you really needn’t get stressed over.

#2 Start with a bang and the rest will follow.

 “…free your mind and your ass will follow…” [Platoon, 1986]

Take the edge off by making sure that the first ten seconds of your speech is something pretty darn cool or interesting. Why? Because the audience will be instantly charmed by you and you’ll make them relaxed – and the rest will follow.

#3 Start by saying nothing.

Yes, that’s an odd one but think about it. Give yourself some respect.

“…Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn’t have to move for anybody…”
Henry Hill, GoodFellas

Just walk up to the podium with a slight stagger and you’ll find that your body language will help you and the audience to respect your presence on stage. Don’t rush onto the stage all nervously and immediately start speaking, instead, take your time. Walking up to the stage in a calm and concise manner portrays someone who believes in themselves and therefore has something of value to say.

It might be somewhat of a mind-hack but the benefit of taking your time also relaxes yourself pre-intro.

#4 You’ve got a lot more time than you realize. Talk fast like a car-salesman and no-one will trust you. Talk nice ‘n real slow and you’ll be just fine. Seriously: just take a step back and relax and let each sentence have a meaning.

#5 Plan. Plan again and then plan some more. Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Anyone who knows anything about the British Army (the author of this post is British) will have heard this now famous acronym as described in Bravo Two Zero. The thing is though, that the 7 P’s, as it is affectionately known by squaddies, is actually spot-on and highly relevant in this discussion on how to become a better public speaker.

Planning the content that you’re going to deliver is gold and will help you structure your main points in a confident and understandable format.

The above is particularly true when public speaking at Cybersecurity Conferences. Why? Because the content needs to be completely on-point.

#6 Speak to the mirror.


Talk to the mirror. Although it might make you feel a little weird to start it’s a fantastic idea to get your body language squared away. Maybe raise your hands at a certain time, or make a specific gesture at a specific point in a key sentence and you’ll likely emphasise a key-point in your presentation which will win over the audience.

#7 If your gran doesn’t get it then no one will. OK, so if you’re speaking at a cryptography event or at a BSides Conference then you’ll be in front of a, very likely, a savvy audience, so needless to say, especially within the Cybersecurity Conference remit, you’d better bone up on your fact-checking.

#8 Confidence breeds confidence. Just be brave and put yourself out there. The fact that you are and have the audience wouldn’t have the courage to do so already speaks volumes about your character.

In Summary

I guess you can call these more ‘mind-hacks’ than actual practical advice, but in any event, we hope that we’ve helped to some capacity of other your ability to perform better at public speaking.

If you agree or disagree with the above please chime in with your thoughts and comments.

Virtual Conferences Marketing & Technology

We help Cybersecurity vendors promote their cybersecurity conferences and events so we are always interested to read about event platforms that are launched as well as any type of virtual conference technology.

Here are two technologies that have interested us recently:

  • Tame Events
  • Qflow

Tame Events

Tame Events, or simply “Tame”. Tame is a virtual events platform that enables event organizers to create, promote, and host a fully branded experience for large-scale event attendees. This ensures that the experience never appears to be hosted by a third party, which is a benefit for both the event organizer and the attendees.

By 2021, the startup had grown four times (this followed 7x growth in 2020) and as a result, VF Ventures gave Tame Events a $5 million investment.

It seems that webinar lead generation is the main objective of this new service.

As an illustration, businesses can use Tame to host webinars while still using their logos. The platform also generates attendance and engagement reports that enable businesses to focus on potential leads during the webinar.

When it was first introduced on Product Hunt, the tool was listed as the fifth-best “Product of the Day” item.

What Does The Future Hold For Tame Events?

Webinars, conferences, and events are not brand-new. However, they continue to observe growth as a marketing channel, particularly among B2B businesses.

In fact, according to 59% of B2B marketers (up from 46% last year), webinar marketing has been incorporated into their overall marketing strategy.

Given that nearly 95% of B2B companies intend to use webinar marketing in the upcoming years, demand for webinar marketing platforms is anticipated to increase.


Qflow is a platform for managing events, in particular, the platform provides a selection of check-in options for events.

Because they provide two tiers of solutions, Qflow is distinctive. An app created specifically for smaller events is one option. Their alternative solution is a white-label, enterprise-level platform for big events.

On the Google Play Store, the startup’s application has received over 50,000 downloads and has been used by over a thousand companies, including Google, L’Oreal, and TED, using Qflow’s solution.

What Does The Future Hold For Qflow ?

The demand for sophisticated event management software has been growing in recent years as the number of hybrid events has increased.

In addition, there is a growing need for rapid testing and confirmation of vaccines during events, which is contributing to the rise in demand for event technology.

Startups in the field of event technology that is currently on the cutting edge include CrowdPass, Airmeet, and Zuddl.

The State of AI in Cybersecurity | Interview with Jessica Gallagher

Artificial Intelligence is, without question, one of the industries of the future. We’ve been covering Cybersecurity Conferences for a long time and we’ve been adding an increasing amount of AI events to our directory.

I’m really pleased to say that I caught up with Jessica Gallagher to ask her our usual bunch of questions regarding a conference she is actively involved with and also to share with us some insights into the future for the event.

Here’s the interview:

What’s The “Best Thing” About Your Event(s)?

This FREE webinar includes 2 panels with industry leaders: one of these covers “Defense: AI for Detection and Incident Response” and the other for “Offense: Hackers’ Perspective on AI” so you can get all questions and topics covered. With a great speaker lineup and informative panel in store, this event is a can’t miss!

How Would You Like To See Your Event(s) Evolve?

We aim to provide free, quality cybersecurity content to anyway looking to learn more via our webinars. We also host one of North America’s largest AI conferences with a whole track devoted to cybersecurity!

What Do You Look For In Speakers And Their Presentations?

We seek executives and data scientists with an abundance of experience with AI in cybersecurity providing them with a unique perspective to share.

Anything Else You’d Like To Share?

This webinar is one in a series of webinar covering AI’s intersections with various industries

29 Amazing TED Cybersecurity Talks (2008 – 2022)

What’s This Post About?

If you are a new visitor to our website then here’s what we do: we list a ton of information on Cybersecurity Conferences taking place around the world. With our interest in IT Security events, we thought it to be only logical to share some awesome Cybersecurity TED Talks that we have watched and wanted to share with you, and here it is!

For those also new to TED and the smaller TEDx, they are an organization that promote some really great (inspirational) talks.

Pro Tip!

Download these videos on your phone and enjoy them on your daily commute. Some of them are really very inspirational and thought-provoking.

Your Smartphone Is A Civil Rights Issue

Christopher Soghoian | October 2016

The smartphone you use reflects more than just personal taste … it could determine how closely you can be tracked, too.

Privacy expert and TED Fellow Christopher Soghoian details a glaring difference between the encryption used on Apple and Android devices and urges us to pay attention to a growing digital security divide. “If the only people who can protect themselves from the gaze of the government are the rich and powerful, that’s a problem,” he says. “It’s not just a cybersecurity problem — it’s a civil rights problem.”

The 1s and 0s Behind Cyber Warfare

Chris Domas | June 2014

Hackers: The Internet’s Immune System

Keren Elazari | June 2014

The beauty of hackers, says cybersecurity expert Keren Elazari, is that they force us to evolve and improve.

Yes, some hackers are bad guys, but many are working to fight government corruption and advocate for our rights. By exposing vulnerabilities, they push the Internet to become stronger and healthier, wielding their power to create a better world.

Hire The Hackers!

Misha Glenny | September 2011

Despite multibillion-dollar investments in cybersecurity, one of its root problems has been largely ignored: who are the people who write malicious code? Underworld investigator Misha Glenny profiles several convicted coders from around the world and reaches a startling conclusion.

How (And Why) Russia Hacked The Us Election

Laura Galante | May 2017

Hacking, fake news, information bubbles … all these and more have become part of the vernacular in recent years. But as cyberspace analyst Laura Galante describes in this alarming talk, the real target of anyone looking to influence geopolitics is dastardly simple: it’s you.

Hack A Banana, Make A Keyboard!

Jay Silver | May 2013

Why can’t two slices of pizza be used as a slide clicker? Why shouldn’t you make music with ketchup? In this charming talk, inventor Jay Silver talks about the urge to play with the world around you. He shares some of his messiest inventions, and demos MaKey MaKey, a kit for hacking everyday objects.

Governments Don’t Understand Cyber Warfare. We Need Hackers

Rodrigo Bijou | December 2015

The Internet has transformed the front lines of war, and it’s leaving governments behind. As security analyst Rodrigo Bijou shows, modern conflict is being waged online between non-state groups, activists and private corporations, and the digital landscape is proving to be fertile ground for the recruitment and radicalization of terrorists. Meanwhile, draconian surveillance programs are ripe for exploitation. Bijou urges governments to end mass surveillance programs and shut “backdoors” — and he makes a bold call for individuals to step up.

Why Good Hackers Make Good Citizens

Catherine Bracy | February 2014

Hacking is about more than mischief-making or political subversion. As Catherine Bracy describes in this spirited talk, it can be just as much a force for good as it is for evil. She spins through some inspiring civically-minded projects in Honolulu, Oakland and Mexico City — and makes a compelling case that we all have what it takes to get involved.

All Your Devices Can Be Hacked

Avi Rubin | February 2012

Could someone hack your pacemaker? Avi Rubin shows how hackers are compromising cars, smartphones and medical devices, and warns us about the dangers of an increasingly hack-able world.

This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Anthony D. Romero | May 2017

In a quest to make sense of the political environment in the United States in 2017, lawyer and ACLU executive director Anthony D. Romero turned to a surprising place — a 14th-century fresco by Italian Renaissance master Ambrogio Lorenzetti. What could a 700-year-old painting possibly teach us about life today? Turns out, a lot. Romero explains all in a talk that’s as striking as the painting itself.

How The Blockchain Will Radically Transform The Economy

Bettina Warburg | November 2016

Say hello to the decentralized economy — the blockchain is about to change everything. In this lucid explainer of the complex (and confusing) technology, Bettina Warburg describes how the blockchain will eliminate the need for centralized institutions like banks or governments to facilitate trade, evolving age-old models of commerce and finance into something far more interesting: a distributed, transparent, autonomous system for exchanging value.

We Can Fight Terror Without Sacrificing Our Rights

Rebecca MacKinnon | September 2016

Can we fight terror without destroying democracy? Internet freedom activist Rebecca MacKinnon thinks that we’ll lose the battle against extremism and demagoguery if we censor the internet and press. In this critical talk, she calls for a doubling-down on strong encryption and appeals to governments to better protect, not silence, the journalists and activists fighting against extremists.

How The Blockchain Is Changing Money And Business

Don Tapscott | August 2016

What is the blockchain? If you don’t know, you should; if you do, chances are you still need some clarification on how it actually works. Don Tapscott is here to help, demystifying this world-changing, trust-building technology which, he says, represents nothing less than the second generation of the internet and holds the potential to transform money, business, government and society.

Art That Lets You Talk Back To NSA Spies

Mathias Jud | October 2015

In 2013, the world learned that the NSA and its UK equivalent, GCHQ, routinely spied on the German government. Amid the outrage, artists Mathias Jud and Christoph Wachter thought: Well, if they’re listening … let’s talk to them. With antennas mounted on the roof of the Swiss Embassy in Berlin’s government district, they set up an open network that let the world send messages to US and UK spies listening nearby. It’s one of three bold, often funny, and frankly subversive works detailed in this talk, which highlights the world’s growing discontent with surveillance and closed networks.

How Fear Drives American Politics

David Rothkopf | September 2015

Does it seem like Washington has no new ideas? Instead of looking to build the future, it sometimes feels like the US political establishment happily retreats into fear and willful ignorance. Journalist David Rothkopf lays out a few of the major issues that US leadership is failing to address — from cybercrime to world-shaking new tech to the reality of modern total war — and calls for a new vision that sets fear aside.

How To Avoid Surveillance … With The Phone In Your Pocket

Christopher Soghoian | August 2015

Who is listening in on your phone calls? On a landline, it could be anyone, says privacy activist Christopher Soghoian, because surveillance backdoors are built into the phone system by default, to allow governments to listen in. But then again, so could a foreign intelligence service … or a criminal. Which is why, says Soghoian, some tech companies are resisting governments’ call to build the same backdoors into mobile phones and new messaging systems. From this TED Fellow, learn how some tech companies are working to keep your calls and messages private.

Think Your Email’s Private? Think Again

Andy Yen | March 2015

Sending an email message is like sending a postcard, says scientist Andy Yen in this thought-provoking talk: Anyone can read it. Yet encryption, the technology that protects the privacy of email communication, does exist. It’s just that until now it has been difficult to install and a hassle to use. Showing a demo of an email program he designed with colleagues at CERN, Yen argues that encryption can be made simple to the point of becoming the default option, providing true email privacy to all.

What’s Wrong With Your Pa$$w0rd?

Lorrie Faith Cranor | June 2014

Lorrie Faith Cranor studied thousands of real passwords to figure out the surprising, very common mistakes that users — and secured sites — make to compromise security. And how, you may ask, did she study thousands of real passwords without compromising the security of any users? That’s a story in itself. It’s secret data worth knowing, especially if your password is 123456 …

Protecting Twitter Users (Sometimes From Themselves)

Del Harvey | March 2014

Del Harvey heads up Twitter’s Trust and Safety Team, and she thinks all day about how to prevent worst-case scenarios — abuse, trolling, stalking — while giving voice to people around the globe. With deadpan humor, she offers a window into how she works to keep 240 million users safe.

How The NSA Betrayed The World’s Trust — Time To Act

Mikko Hypponen | November 2013

Recent events have highlighted, underlined and bolded the fact that the United States is performing blanket surveillance on any foreigner whose data passes through an American entity — whether they are suspected of wrongdoing or not. This means that, essentially, every international user of the internet is being watched, says Mikko Hypponen. An important rant, wrapped with a plea: to find alternative solutions to using American companies for the world’s information needs.

Your Online Life, Permanent As A Tattoo

Juan Enriquez | May 2013

What if Andy Warhol had it wrong, and instead of being famous for 15 minutes, we’re only anonymous for that long? In this short talk, Juan Enriquez looks at the surprisingly permanent effects of digital sharing on our personal privacy. He shares insight from the ancient Greeks to help us deal with our new “digital tattoos.”

The Rise Of Human-computer Cooperation

Shyam Sankar | September 2012

Brute computing force alone can’t solve the world’s problems. Data mining innovator Shyam Sankar explains why solving big problems (like catching terrorists or identifying huge hidden trends) is not a question of finding the right algorithm, but rather the right symbiotic relationship between computation and human creativity.

A Navy Admiral’s Thoughts On Global Security

James Stavridis | July 2012

Imagine global security driven by collaboration — among agencies, government, the private sector and the public. That’s not just the distant hope of open-source fans, it’s the vision of James Stavridis, a US Navy Admiral. Stavridis shares vivid moments from recent military history to explain why security of the future should be built with bridges rather than walls

How To Fool A GPS

Todd Humphreys | July 2012

Todd Humphreys forecasts the near-future of geolocation when millimeter-accurate GPS “dots” will enable you to find pin-point locations, index-search your physical possessions … or to track people without their knowledge. And the response to the sinister side of this technology may have unintended consequences of its own.

A Vision Of Crimes In The Future

Marc Goodman | July 2012

The world is becoming increasingly open, and that has implications both bright and dangerous. Marc Goodman paints a portrait of a grave future, in which technology’s rapid development could allow crime to take a turn for the worse.

A New Way To Stop Identity Theft

David Birch | June 2012

Bartenders need to know your age, retailers need your PIN, but almost no one actually needs your name — except for identity thieves. ID expert David Birch proposes a safer approach to personal identification — a “fractured” approach — that would almost never require your real name.

FBI, Here I Am!

Hasan Elahi | October 2011

After he ended up on a watch list by accident, Hasan Elahi was advised by his local FBI agents to let them know when he was traveling. He did that and more … much more.

How Cyberattacks Threaten Real-world Peace

Guy-Philippe Goldstein | October 2011

Nations can now attack other nations with cyber weapons: silent strikes on another country’s computer systems, power grids, dams that leave no trace behind. (Think of the Stuxnet worm.) Guy-Philippe Goldstein shows how cyberattacks can leap between the digital and physical worlds to prompt armed conflict — and how we might avert this global security hazard

The Security Mirage

Bruce Schneier | April 2011

The feeling of security and the reality of security don’t always match, says computer-security expert Bruce Schneier. In his talk, he explains why we spend billions addressing news story risks, like the “security theater” now playing at your local airport, while neglecting more probable risks — and how we can break this pattern.

What Security Means To Me

Eve Ensler | September 2008

Playwright Eve Ensler explores our modern craving for security — and why it makes us less secure. Listen for inspiring, heartbreaking stories of women making change.